Friday, October 9, 2009

Life on the word Love

Worrying is a sign of weakness. It's pain, it feels like an infection. It breaks ur body down 2 its last pumps like a person who has asthma runnin out of time. Love a four letter word that has 2 many meanings. Love is just lust over venture endings my personal opinion. Love becomes pain you must understand it. In the beginning it feels good in the end it turns painful 4 some. Love understands the pain that comes with 4 letters. Love a breakdown of pleasures. Love will remove all hopes and dreams 2 get thu. Love a wishful joy in 1s journey. Love a peaceful feeling when it gets near. Love deal with lies, outings, views, and its evil ways. Why do we use the word love in a time of pleasure? When we feel it, its just pain? Someone reading this will say, how can she feel this way? But others who dig deep with understanding, will just call it her views. Why are you willing 2 tell everybody about your love? B/C someone told you that the dream was 2 love. Think about what you say before giving the word out so easy. B/C the person you last told you love will look in your eyes and really see lies, outings, views, and evils things and know when your not feeling loved. I told my mom and now she knows 2 look in my eyes when there is pain. M@d!$0n

Friday, August 28, 2009

Her EYES been closed to long !

My eyes been closed to long waiting for the outcome of one man not any man but the one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life but it seems to be closed in my world. What's going on in your world my friend? Sometimes we love so hard and forget about us ladies.Love is powerful.Do we love hard or do we care hard? WHICH ONE ARE YOU? Well I care hard, to hard meaning if Iam with you then you get all of my inner thoughts and if you let all of them out then whats left your love.Hurt is pain it's like an infection taking over your body and when you experience it you will know for sure if you were in love or you cared a bit much.ALWAYS REMEMBER IF YOU GO IN WITH CLOSED EYES YOU BETTER OPEN THEM BECAUSE IT MIGHT BE TO LATE THE INFECTION HAS TAKEN OVER.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Date Request : Why Mother's Day?

Your husband or boyfriend can't wait for the date to see you dress up or in heels again. No need to rush for that May 10 date ladies. You must take that time to prepare for Monday workload and kids. My day is finally here. You waited a year to put on heels. lol Well don't wait for the date anymore, its your time to choose something nice for yourself about 3 times a week. Make time to unwind, make the time don't relax, don't do any work at all. Use this time to try new things. DON'T wait around for any body, don't plan a thing. Put your best jeans on, your black dress, your heels and take the world on. I know some of you are saying girl I don't have these items or I can't fit them anymore, I 1/2n wore heels in years. This maybe true but thats the problem look how you might of let yourself go. Get yourself up and go get some items, I mean cheap things, find items and dress up for your own date. Wait until you start taking a date request for yourself. You've going to love it. Only if its 30 mins of your time. Quick tip : Sometimes Iam not feeling like taking my kids to the park, but shit they have a lot of energy to run around and play, so I take them, girl I get up throw on some jeans and some heels and when I get there I feel good, not to be at the park but to just get out and dress up. I know the other parents are looking like she has on heels but guess what they are wonderning when will they be able to look sexy again. Mother's Day is 4 oneday only, your going to feel good just on that day, why? remember woman I like to dress sexy or causal ,but don't wait for something special, everyday is your day, with kids or not. People that know me or of me always think that I have a lot of energy to run free but its the inside of my soul that keeps me at peace to do me at all times. My kids don't stop me, I just join them in heels and don't forget about my life at all.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lights, Cameras, Flashbacks

You did it again? Why?........... you tell yourself it's over, never again, this was the last chance. What a mistake? ............if only she walked towards the light that brought out her faith to move forward. She remembers looking into the camera and rewinding the action that held her so far behind. She questions her choices to decide what flashbacks are currently effected by the extreme stress that slowed down her organs to survive. What flashbacks were you having? We all have flashbacks, that will be turn on by the lights to look into the camera that once caught the picture. lol are you caught up think hard............

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tired Stoplight %

The world stays still, Well the world stands still at attention always ........ you're more at 80 mph. Your world never stands still because its no stop sign. Your light is green because there's no slow down reminder. My light stays white because my world stands still at attention. What color are you?.................... M@D!$ON

Train ]]]]]]]]] Ride All Board !!!!,

Look into the woods during the day on a train ride, you see a row full of bare trees in the winter. Thousands and thousands of died trunks. At night you look out the same window you see nothing, darkness, you may hear unknown sounds, the unexpected happens out in the woods. On the train looking out, you will see no one insight. The world's a funny place. You're always alone until the unknown finds you. Now you are caught up with the unknown, sitting in darkness, everytime it's around you, you hear bullshit sounds, the unexpected happens right in your world. Now you look (in).

Friday, April 17, 2009

Warehouse Discount or First Class Stardards

You can't match the prices, its high, you sure can't put it on layway for 30 days. It's not posted up on the billboard, no commericals, no overtime, no bonuses, no quick shortcuts, it's one of a kind, very demanding and always changing, it's me and what about you? Who are you ?

Friday, March 13, 2009


U wonder day after day will things change. Only to fight off the experiences that happen over and over again. U wonder how so many changes are taking place and still why Iam going in the wrong direction. After listening to your inner voice that gives u good advice only to turn around and follow the same mistakes. We wonder in the back of our minds over and over again can this be right. Can I change or is this what I like? We set high goals, expect nothing but the best and still fail to strive to put forth effort in our experiences that takes us to a higher level. It's beyond the best and will fool u to believe you are not good enough to take on the task to believe in your power and god willing gifts. Life will take you up the road and bring you back again, but your mind has the power to change you and guide you over the highest highest mountains. Remember when you come across the road of wrong directions use your inner map of bad mistakes it will guide you and change your time of thinking...................... M@d!$on

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Sometimes we live with regrets saying ,,What if this? What if that? Well we live in seasons that changed four times a year and us ladies love to shop in our favorite stores, we go inside all the time to come out and find we didn't even need what we brought in the first place. It's like our relationships and marriages that just don't do anything for us anymore. As women we talk to our closest friends and give very good advice to only walk back in our own relationships or marriages to think that we have now fail. When you have been inside the store for so long and didn't pick anything up you seen you feel like it's time to search another only to find that the bargin you chose was close to what you found in the last store. Remember when you speak to give advice your story is only a store left behind to start fresh to your grand opening. Some of us been trapped for so long in our relativeships and marriages that we are rushing to get the bargain we started out with and that store has been closed down for years.......your advice that you give to someone is just a reminder for your self ,,,,,,,,,,,, M@d!$on


Sometimes in your life you wonder what if .... what if this?what if that? well there are seasons in our lives that take us by many stores. We go in them and don't buy a thing and say I should of brought that and know you didn't even need it in the first place. It's like being in a relativeship or marriage and you feel alone and know you shouldn't still be there and wonder why all the time. Some of us give advice to our friends all the time but are still suck in this first store we walked in looking around and never found a thing. It's like staying in a relationship or marriage scare to opening the door and leave. Maybe we search for things in the store the same way that we search for a new beginning in our relativeships trying to bargain our way thru the season that is now over. Our veins are overflowing with so much sadness inside that we died dreaming to just be walking in the store or season one more time. Ladies we are full of magical things and if you don't leave that store you been in for over 2,5,10 and even 20 years then you may never know how good the grand opening will ever be......... M@d!$ON